White Fat Bear- Drawing Practice

Learning to draw a cutie figure on iPad. The first version, using Pencil Tool, is rather crude. Re-drawing version, with the help of Pen Tool and Shape Tool looks much better.

Obviously there’s so much room for improvement in mastering the Pencil Tool, aka, free hand drawing.

By the way, does it look like a bear or a cat?

Graphic – Summer Dream

Many drawing apps today are sophisticatedly developed and so user-friendly. The ease of using them makes everyone (or thinking oneself) a painter, a designer and even an artist. Not much effort, skills or time is required to come up with a piece of nice looking work.

Like this one, that I finished it on my iPhone in a few minutes, is drawn using a digital watercolour brush provided by Tayasui Sketch mobile app.

Not to say that this is a great piece. But I just updated my iPhone wallpaper with this new sketch and feeling fine to have something visually unique to my own.

I name it Summer Dream. Yes, it’s so easy to dream oneself as a color wizard.